'Do I need to pay the whole year to earn R$ 150?', claims beneficiary on 13th installment of Bolsa Família

Paulo Veras

21 November 2018

To receive the 13th installment promised by Governor Paulo Câmara (PSB), beneficiaries need to spend around R$ 500 per month on basic food products, only in places that issue invoices, and remember to register the social security number when purchasing

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Flávia Feliciano does not remember the name of re-elected Governor Paulo Câmara (PSB), but recalls that she voted for the candidate with the number 40 when she became aware of the promise that he would give a thirteenth installment of Bolsa Família, the main social aid program in Brazil. During the campaign, the socialist said that beneficiaries of the federal program in Pernambuco would receive an annual allowance of R$ 150.

After the elections, the promise started to leave the paper, but it gained a new format and a new rule. To receive this amount, people like Flávia will need to spend, on average, R$ 500 per month with basic food products, only in establishments that issue invoices, and also remember to register the right social security number at the time of purchase. This proposal was approved last Tuesday at the Constitution and Justice Committee of the State Legislative Assembly (Alepe). It seems an fair rule, but the average amount paid for the benefit in the state is R$ 184.13 per month. Those who receive Bolsa Família do not have formal employment.

According to data from the Ministry of Social Development, Pernambuco has 1.1 million families enrolled in the Bolsa Família. Flávia, the person who opens this article, is one of those. She receives R$ 266 from the program, and sells water bottles at Marco Zero, an important tourist spot in the city, to support five children, such as the little one-year-old Nícolas.

The Nota Fiscal Solidária program, which supports the payment of the new benefit, will work like this: the beneficiaries will get back 2.5% of everything they spend on basic products in the period of 12 months. That is why they will have to be consumed, on average, R$ 500 per month to generate a R$ 12.50 monthly credit and, at the end of one year cycle, be entitled to receive the maximum amount, which is R$ 150. None of this was explained during the election campaign.

The funds will begin to be paid from March 2020. The calculations were presented by the acting Finance Secretary, Bernardo D'Almeida, during a public hearing on the project at Alepe, past Monday.

Taking into account the average payment of Bolsa Família in the state, of R$ 184.13, a person who spent this amount every month in the new program would receive no more than R$ 55.23 back after one year.

“Do you mean that I will have to pay for the whole year in the markets, in the meat, because nothing is free, so that at the end of this year I earn R$ 150? What a slow proposal”, asks Aline Monteiro, who receives R$ 130 a month from Bolsa Família and raises a son. "It's sad. The thirteenth installment was going to help. But I don't even get R$ 150 a month (from Bolsa Família)”, she claims.

President-elect Jair Bolsonaro also promised a thirteenth installment of Bolsa Família, but has yet to explain how the measure will be adopted by the future government.

Maiara Maria also voted for Paulo Câmara, campaigned for the socialist in the community where she lives, and knew about the proposal for the thirteenth installment of Bolsa Família. She is the mother of Mateus, 5 years old; Maísa, 2 years old; and Miguel, 8 months; and receives R$ 250 from the program and, therefore, cannot spend R$ 500 per month. "I shop in places that evade tax because it is cheaper. They don't issue invoices. Milk there costs R$ 5.50. At the grocery store it costs R$ 7. I have two small babies who drink porridge. How am I going to survive with R$ 250 a month? It is not possible. I spend all the money on milk and diapers", she says.

Flávia, Aline and Maiara were interviewed on the street where they live, in a poor community called Pilar, in the District of Recife. The community, which lives in shacks made of plastic and cardboard, is 1.5 kilometers (about a 20-minute walk) from the Campo das Princesas Palace, where Governor Paulo Câmara works.

Government spokesman for the Legislative, lawmaker Isaltino Nascimento (PSB) said he saw no difficulty for families that receive Bolsa Família to consume R$ 500 per month in basic products. He also argued that the program aims to encourage the formalization of local businesses.

Program will be audited

The Constitution and Justice Commitee approved the amendment by Deputy Alberto Feirosa (SD) that requires the State to check that the beneficiaries meet all the Bolsa Família criteria before paying the new allowance promised during the campaign . Inspection will be carried out by a committee that will manage the new Nota Fiscal Solidária program.

The Commission also approved a 2% increase in taxes on fuel, alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, jewelry and automobiles. It is from this tax increase that the government hopes to raise the R $ 172 million to pay the new benefit.

"Before making the payment, the government will have to identify whether that person meets all of the Bolsa Família requirements. The federal government estimates that there are approximately 346,000 people in the State who receive the Bolsa Família fraudulently and illegally. They are people who have income above the poverty line. It is necessary to cross the number of social insurance with the income tax data and the payment of pensions", defends Feitosa.

Before the meeting of the Commission began, Feitosa and Isaltino disagreed because of the action contrary to the benefit of the Solidariedade parliamentarian. The party is part of the Paulo Câmara government.

Contrary to what he had said a day before, the opposition leader, Silvio Costa Filho (PRB), voted in favor of the government's proposal. "Initially, the opposition would vote against because it did not have the opportunity to discuss the proposal with the Secretary of Finance and discuss with the population. As we held a public hearing and listened to representatives of society, we decided to vote in favor of the constitutionality of the matter. Now , we will discuss the merits in the House plenary. We will vote against the tax increase", he explained.

On the night of last Monday (19), Silvio, Isaltino and the President of the Legislative, Eriberto Medeiros (PP), made an agreement to vote on the Bolsa Família bill and the tax increase next week. Probably on Monday. As the government has a majority in the House, both proposals are expected to be approved.

Today, Wednesday (21), the bills must be analyzed by the Finance and Public Administration Commissions. "We responded to an appeal from the opposition, which needed time to better analyze the content of the projects, which arrived here ten days ago. Now, they have enough time to analyze and evaluate. The bills will go through the Justice Commissions, Finance and Administration. Our idea is that everyone can hear more people. And we all agree that the vote will be next week", explained Isaltino.
